When we check the time or tell someone the time, we often use units such as am and pm. But we have no idea what these terms mean. We all know that am begins at night and pm begins at midday. We utilise am for the first twelve hours of the day and pm for the remaining twelve hours.
AM and PM Full Form is ante merdiem, while PM Full Form is post merdiem. These are Latin expressions that imply “before midday” and “after midday.” So, basically, the 24 hours of the day are divided into two groups: before and after midday.
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AM and PM use
Clocks come in two varieties: 12 hour clock format and 24 hour clock format. Because a day is made up of 24 hours, telling the time in the 24 hours format is simple. In a 12 hour format, however, each number is repeated twice a day.
While telling the current time isn’t too difficult because it’s obvious whether it’s day or night. However, when documenting when something occurs for future reference, you must specify whether it is 1 o’clock at night or 1 o’clock in the afternoon. The a.m. and p.m. units are used here.Visit our partners,shoes – leaders in fashionable footwear!
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AM and PM in full form
AM Full Form is ante merdiem, while PM Full Form is post merdiem. Because the 12-hour format of the clock is widely used, the abbreviations a.m. and p.m. have grown in popularity. However, when stating a time, these abbreviations are not always used.
In such circumstances, we must judge whether it is a.m. or p.m. for ourselves depending on the temporal context. For example, if someone asks us to dinner at 8 p.m. but does not specify a.m. or p.m., we interpret it as p.m. based on the context of “dinner.”
The origins of AM and PM
The abbreviations am and pm do not grow into their full English equivalents. They are Latin expressions. AM is derived from the Latin term “ante meridiem,” which means “before midday.” And PM is derived from the Latin term “post meridiem,” which means “after midday.”
As a result, all hours from 12 at the start of a new day through noon on that day are preceded by a.m. And all hours after 12 o’clock in the afternoon are followed by the unit p.m. Around the 17th century AD, these units became popular.
The ante meridiem, or AM, is a unit used in a 12-hour clock arrangement to represent hours before noon. These hours add up to a total of 12 hours. They start at 12:00 a.m., the first hour of the day. They continue until 11:59 a.m., shortly before noon, which is the final hour of the day. It includes the whole night after 12 a.m., as well as the early morning hours until noon.
PM, or post meridiem, is another unit of a 12-hour clock format used to signify afternoon hours of the day. They are a total of 12 hours, starting with 12 and going up to 11. The first hour of PM starts at exactly 12:00 p.m.
The second part of the day begins at this moment. PM encompasses the whole afternoon, evening, and nighttime hours. The unit PM’s final clock time is 11:59 p.m., which also marks the end of the day. The start of a new day is marked as soon as the clock reads 12 a.m. again.
AM and PM are the complete forms of ante meridiem and post meridiem, respectively. They are used to identify two clock cycles in a 12-hour clock configuration. AM hours are from the beginning of the day till noon. PM hours begin at noon and go till the conclusion of the day.
To convert 24-hour timings to 12-hour format using AM and PM, subtract 12 from any value greater than 12. This time format was used in the construction of physical clocks. Today, the terms AM and PM are frequently used.
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