PERT Full Form – Programme Evaluation Review Technique


PERT Full Form is Programme Evaluation Review Technique, which is a visual tool used in the planning of projects. Project managers have an easier time setting start and end dates, as well as tasks and schedules for the project’s intermediate stages thanks to this strategy. A graph is used to display the data in the form of a network.

The amount of time needed to do a job or activity may be calculated with the use of a technique known as the Programme Evaluation Review Technique. It is a technique for managing projects that helps ensure that all tasks are correctly scheduled and coordinated with one another.

It also helps in monitoring the entire project’s progress, or lack thereof, which is another benefit. In the 1950s, in order to monitor the Polaris submarine missile project that was being run by the Special Projects Office, the United States Navy developed the Programme Evaluation Review Technique.

It is essential for project managers to have an accurate estimation of the amount of time it should take to finish a project since this information assists them in making choices about the budget and the distribution of work. Regardless matter how large or small a project is, estimates might be too optimistic or pessimistic; nonetheless, employing a PERT chart can assist in determining what are considered to be fair estimates.

The PERT Methodology

The PERT method is a collection of stages that may be used in the planning of complicated projects. These phases include:

  • Make a list of all the tasks and milestones (also known as events) that must be performed for the project to be finished.
  • Find out the order in which the tasks need to be completed.
  • Make a chart that can effectively illustrate all of the processes in this process.
  • Determine how much time will be needed for each of the tasks.
  • Determine the critical path, which is the job sequence that will take the longest to complete.
  • As soon as the project gets underway, you should start modifying the chart to reflect the progress that has been done.

In a Programme Evaluation Review Technique chart, milestones are shown as numbered circles or rectangles, while tasks are represented as straight lines that terminate in arrows. The direction of the arrows and the numbers both point in the same direction, which is the required sequence. The numbers normally rise by ten at each milestone, which enables extra activities to be added without necessitating the whole chart to be redrawn and renumbered.

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History of PERT

Programme Evaluation Review Technique. It was developed in the 1950s by the United States Navy to aid in the management of the thousands of contractors who were working on a wide array of projects. While PERT was formerly a manual technique, electronic PERT technologies today make it easy to produce project charts rapidly.

The PERT process’s most significant fault is that the time required to perform each task is exceedingly subjective and often no better than a wild guess. Once the project is up and going, regular progress reports assist to improve the timetable.

The application of PERT and how it is carried out

A flowchart is used to illustrate the Programme Evaluation Review Technique (or PERT for short). Nodes, which are used to represent the events, denote the beginning and end of the activities or tasks that are being tracked. The arrows illustrate the order in which the actions are to be completed, and the directional lines call attention to the activities that need to be completed.

There are four distinct ways to understand the concept of time:

  • Time to be expected is the most accurate estimate of how long it will take to complete a work, supposing there will be no problems along the way.
  • Pessimistic time is the amount of time that one should expect to spend in order to complete a job under the most worst of circumstances.
  • The most accurate or plausible estimate of the amount of time it should take to complete an activity, supposing there will be no complications.
  • The amount of time in which a work may be completed successfully under the most favourable circumstances

To make use of a PERT chart, carry out the following steps:

  • Determine the numerous steps that must be taken in order to carry out a project. Ensure that they are listed in the correct sequence, and that you have included an estimate of how long each activity will take.
  • Create a diagrammatic representation of the network. Milestones may be represented by nodes, and actions can be represented by arrows in this diagram.
  • Find out what the critical route is and whether or not there is any slack.

PERT Attributes and Qualities

PERT’s major characteristics include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • PERT supports management in choosing the technique that will result in the most effective use of resources.
  • Utilising the method of time network analysis, PERT is able to achieve its goals.
  • It acts as a beginning point for the collection of important information that is necessary for decision-making.
  • It is the cornerstone upon which all other planning operations are built.
  • It is helpful for management in determining the components that must be included in order to finish the project on schedule.
  • PERT demonstrates how to present data in a manner that is structured.


PERT Full Form Is Programme Evaluation Review Chart . A PERT chart is a visual depiction of a series of events that must occur throughout the life of a project. The flow and sequence of events necessary for project completion are shown by the direction of the arrows. Dummy activities—items that are placed on a separate PERT path—are represented by dotted activity lines. Within each vector, numbers and time allotments are allocated and presented.

These graphs have their own set of concepts and terminology, the most fundamental of which forecasts how long a project will take to finish. The smallest timeframe is referred to as “optimistic time.” The logically longest time period is “pessimistic time.” The “most likely time” is a cautious evaluation of the best-case scenario, while the “anticipated time” takes into account problems and barriers.

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