DRDA Full Form – District Rural Development Agency


DRDA Full Form is a District Rural Development Agency. These are development execution and monitoring departments at the district level.The DRDA develops and implements programmes established by the Ministry of Rural Development to combat poverty in the nation. Its primary duty during its early days was to execute the integrated rural development programme IRDP.

However, a new DRDA administration took effect in April 1999. The new introduction was made to manage administrative expenses while also improving the DRDA’s professionalism and boosting its operations. It manages anti-poverty programmes and connects the ministry with district-level authorities.

How the DRDA Works

The DRDA’s rural development and poverty alleviation programmes are mostly executed via decentralisation. Method. The criteria that must be considered are as follows:

  • Geographical regions
  • Administrative necessities
  • Participation of grassroots officials
  • The community focused on programme execution.

The ministry of rural regions and jobs is in charge of implementing these projects at the national level. They manage the money, develop policies, and give the necessary direction, oversight, and assessment of the programme.


The DRDA includes members of the parliament, the legislative assembly, bankers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), district-level development officials, and some members from the poorer parts of society. Although it is not required, the district collector is normally the chairman of the governing body. The governing board provides the DRDA with the required guidance and direction. In the actual world, the body led by the extra district collector is in charge of implementation.

DRDA Functions

DRDA’s functions include the following:

  • The modification and evaluation of several rural development initiatives
  • identifying rural people’s needs and then resolving them by developing a suitable system
  • Disbursement of funding to carry out these initiatives
  • Providing the personnel with the management and technical support they need to put up these games.


It is the process of delegating or delegating an activity away from the central authority or group. The organization’s actions might be either planning or decision making. Decentralisation of government agencies promotes economic progress as well as social fairness. Under the devolution of functionaries provision, certain DRDA and district panchayat mergers have occurred. This part was primarily intended to rethink the function of the DRDA and the merging of district panchayats. However, this meant that the DRDA supplied technical knowledge and assistance to the panchayat at all levels. The merger’s outcomes do not seem to be that acceptable after all. Only Kerala and Karnataka had full mergers.

The present state of DRDA

There are still ten distinct states or Union regions. The president of the Zilla Parishad is also the head of the DRDA in certain circumstances. Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Lakshadweep, and other states are included. In contrast, in nine states, the collector becomes the chairman or some manage arrangement is established in the subject. Some of these states are Jharkhand, Pondicherry, Manipur, and others. In certain other states, such as Maharashtra, the president of the Zilla Parishad serves as the DRDA’s chairperson, while the CEO of the Zilla Parishad serves as the executive chair pro chairman of the management committee.


The government can primarily plan and construct programmes for rural development, but they need a specific organisation to oversee the procedures in detail. The DRDA accomplishes just that; as a district-level organisation, it can examine the challenges that people confront in rural regions and provide solutions. Political figures such as MLAs and MPs serve on the organization’s governing board. Furthermore, the collaboration between the DRDA and the panchayat may assist the people in addressing the fundamental problem. Although most mergers are not fully formed, they may aid in the formulation of more detailed designs. Only two states have completed full mergers, while others are currently working in concert. Whatever the conclusion, it should be beneficial to rural development.

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