ISI Full Form – Indian Standard Institute


ISI Full Form is Indian Standard Institute .The Indian Standard Institute was founded to provide rules for the organization’s development and industrial goods in order to ensure product equity.

What is the full meaning of ISI?

ISI stands for the Indian Standard Institute, and it gives the capacity to compare industrial items to other products. It applies a licenced mark or certification mark to items to ensure that they are genuine Indian products.

ISI’s general products

ISI is a certification mark on Indian industrial items that verifies and approves that the product is legitimate and appropriately authorised by the Indian government. All sorts of electrical equipment, LPG cylinders, package meals, drinking items, thermometers, and many more have ISI certification seals. Aside from this, certain items employ this ISI certification number or a licence number that has been granted by the Government of India.

ISI’s primary objectives

The ISI’s major purposes and goals are to give certification marks and product authenticity for all industrial items in India. It also attempts to establish product quality and standardise product marking. The Indian Standard Institute is responsible for maintaining and managing the standardisation of commodities and products in India in order to preserve the national standard for goods.


ISI is not just in charge of keeping commodities and products in India. It also offers maintenance for any Indian items that have been exported outside of India.

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